2020-12-05 22:11 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会



答:各省、自治区、直辖市文化和旅游厅 (局 )要组织专家对申请设立国家级文化生态保护区的地区进行实地考察,并对申请地区编制的《文化生态保护区规划纲要》进行论证,经省级人民政府同意后,将申请地区人民政府和省、自治区、直辖市文化和旅游厅(局)设立文化生态保护区的申请、省级人民政府同意设立文化生态保护区的函件、专家论证意见以及《文化生态保护区规划纲要》等申报材料一并报送文化和旅游部。


Q36. What is the process to set up a National Cultural Ecology Reserve?

Answer: The Culture and Tourism Bureaus at provincial level shall organize experts to conduct on-site inspections in the areas applying for National Cultural Ecology Reserve status and review the application document, namely Outlines on National Cultural Ecology Reserve Planning. Once the application is approved by the people’s government at provincial level, the application materials compiled by the Culture and Tourism Bureaus at provincial level, including the Outlines on National Cultural Ecology Reserve Planning, coupled with approval documents issued by the people’s government at provincial level in charge and arguments and opinions from experts shall be submitted to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for further assessment.

 Based on the review of aforementioned application document packs, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will organize experts to conduct further inspections in the areas proposing applications and review the Outlines on National Cultural Ecology Reserve Planning. For those applicants passing evaluation and examination procedures, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will announce the applying areas as National Pilot Cultural Ecology Reserves, which will be converted into National Cultural Ecology Reserves after relevant construction work and its outcome is certified by the experts mandated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 


