2020-12-17 10:00 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会





Q37. How to enhance the protection of intangible cultural heritage items within National Cultural Ecology Reserves?

Answer: Target-oriented protection measures shall be taken subject to the characteristics of intangible cultural heritage items at various levels, in particular, those at national level. For the category of traditional performance arts, efforts shall be made in discovery and consolidation of the information on traditional operas or other performances, and urgent recording and collection of such representative performances by the old performers shall be conducted; for the category of traditional skills, efforts shall be made to promote skill transmission by representative inheritors and protect raw materials, and collection of inheritors’ major works and the production-motivated protection are encouraged; for folklore items, publicity, education and folklore demonstration activities shall be organized in concerning communities to promote the inheritance by groups of people. For the endangered intangible cultural heritage items, priority shall be given in terms of rescue and protection. An archive and database about intangible cultural heritage items shall be established.


