2021-04-24 13:06 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会












Q49. According to the Regulations on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Fujian, what is the purpose of the funds earmarked for the intangible cultural heritage protection set up by county-level people’s government or above?

Answer: The people’s government at county-level or above should set up special funds for intangible cultural heritage protection based on practical needs, and the funds shall be used for:

(a) Protecting and researching representative items;

(b) Collecting and acquiring precious materials and physical objects related to intangible cultural heritage;

(c) Rescuing endangered intangible cultural heritage;

(d) Providing training and subsidies to representative inheritors for intangible cultural heritage transmission purposes;

(e) Funding the protection units and cultural ecology reserves in item protection;

(f) Training intangible cultural heritage inheritors;

(g) Supporting other activities concerning intangible cultural heritage protection. All funds shall be strictly managed and used for earmarked purposes. 


