2021-06-05 23:33 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




妈祖姓林名默,被誉为“海上和平女神”,北宋建隆元年(960年)生于莆田湄洲岛,雍熙四年(987年)因救助海难逝世。1000多年来,在我国大陆沿海、港澳台地区和东南亚,妈祖事迹老少皆知,因而受到普遍的崇敬和信仰,形成社会习俗。历代朝廷对妈祖均有封号,如“灵惠妃”“显济妃”“护国显佑明著天妃”等。目前世界上 20多个国家和地区、国内 30个省市 500多个县市总共建有 5000多座颇具规模的妈祖分灵庙宇,信奉妈祖的民众近两亿人,每年前往湄洲妈祖祖庙朝拜的海内外游人超过 100万人次。在世界各地数千座妈祖宫庙当中,台湾就有 1000多座,妈祖在台湾被尊为“天上圣母”。妈祖祖庙祭典在每年农历三月二十三日妈祖圣诞之日举行,行祭地点设在湄洲祖庙广场和天后广场。祭典全程约 45分钟,13道程序。妈祖信俗自成一体,内容独特。在漫长的传承演绎进程中,妈祖信俗广泛传播至我国的沿江、沿海和港澳台地区,并随着华侨华人的足迹逐步传播到 20多个国家。妈祖文化对世界华人具有很强的影响力和凝聚力,特别是在东南亚地区有着很大的影响。妈祖文化经过千年岁月,已经成为中华民族优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,并且成为联系海内外华人、沟通世界各地的文化桥梁和精神纽带。

Q53.When was Mazu Belief and Customs inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity? What is the intrinsic value?

Answer: Mazu Belief and Customs, was inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2009.

 Mazu, named Mo LIN, is reputed as the “Goddess of Peace at Sea”. She was born in Meizhou Island, Putian, in 960 AD (China’s Northern Song Dynasty) and died in 987 AD attempting to rescue the survivors of a shipwreck. For over 1,000 years, Mazu’s legend has been widely known by households in China’s coastal area, Hong Kong Special Administration Zone, Macau and Taiwan as well as Southeast Asia, and she is popularly respected and worshiped, hence Mazu Belief and Customs came into being. Currently, over five thousand large-scale Mazu Temples are scattering over 20 countries and regions across the world, and in China Mazu Temples can be found in over 500 counties and cities. The followers of Mazu Beliefs are around 200 million, and every year over 1 million visits are made to Mazu Temple in Meizhou Island. There are over 1,000 Mazu Temples in China’s Taiwan, where Mazu is worshiped as “Holy Mother Empress of Heaven”. Memorial ceremonies for Mazu Temples are held yearly on the 23rd of March of Chinese Lunar Calendar, which is the birth date of Mazu. The ceremonies take place in Mazu Temple squares in Meizhou. The ceremonies last for about 45 minutes, covering 13 procedures. In the long history of inheritance and evolvement, Mazu Belief and Customs has spread to the riverside and coastal areas, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau in China and over 20 countries in the world. The culture of Mazu Belief and Customs has robust influence among Chinese across the world, particularly in Southeast Asia. It has become an essential part of brilliant traditional Chinese culture and serves as a bridge and spiritual tie connecting Chinese living everywhere in the world. 


