2021-12-02 11:02 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




答:软木画又叫“木画”,是流行于福建省福州地区的一种软木雕刻手工技艺的别称。它形成于 20世纪初,发源地是福建省福州市东郊的西园村。当时有一些类似“木画”的作品从德国流入中国,受此启发,福州工艺传习所总教习师、木雕名师陈春润和木雕技师吴启棋、建筑花板技师郑立溪等人吸收西方美术的优长,将之与中国传统木雕技法相结合,潜心研究出崭新的软木画技艺。



Q81. What are the history and the technical features of cork paintings?

Answer: Cork painting is a cork carving craft popular in Fuzhou city of Fujian province. It was formed in early 20th century in Xiyuan village, which was in the east of Fuzhou. After seeing pictures made of cork brought home from Germany, the Fuzhou Craft Institute master and famous woodcarver Chen Chunrun, together with technicians Wu Qiqi and Zheng Lixi etc., integrated western arts with traditional Chinese woodcarving techniques to develop a brand new form of cork paintings.

The raw material is oak tree cork imported from places such as Spain, Portugal and Arabic countries. Being light, soft, elastic yet tightly textured, the cork is sliced into thin pieces and then carved by hand into delicate shapes. Traditional Chinese elements like pavilions, terraces and towers are often decorated at carefully designed places to contrast with background sceneries, creating a picture with perfect perspective. Cork paintings, often inspired by natural sceneries, use vivid depictions and ingenious layout design to lead the viewers into thousands miles of mountains in a limited picture, thus they are dubbed as “silent poems and three-dimensional paintings”.

The current national level inheritor of cork painting is Wu Xuebao.


