2022-02-16 10:20 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会



答:福鼎太姥山是白茶的发源地,具有悠久的历史。明代田艺蘅《煮泉小品》载:“芽茶以火作者为次,生晒者为上,亦更近自然……生晒茶瀹之瓯中,则旗枪舒畅,清翠鲜明,尤为可爱。 ”这被认为是白茶制作的雏形。现代白茶工艺始盛于清代福鼎。清周亮工《闽小记》中有“太姥声高绿雪芽,洞天新泛海天槎”之语。据记载,1857年,福鼎点头柏柳的陈焕、张吓钦将茶树移植家中繁殖。清光绪元年(1875年),周开陈再移植,传播到黄岗,白茶制作的历史由福鼎开始。 



Q88.What are the history and the technical features of Fuding white tea craft?

Answer: White tea originates long time ago in Fuding Taimu Mountain. A book written in the Ming dynasty mentioned techniques that were thought to be prototype white tea craft. The white tea craft we use today was already popular in the Qing dynasty in Fuding. A book from that period wrote that Taimu Mountain has white tea which is dubbed snowy green bud in the ancient times, again proving the long history of Fuding white tea. In 1857, Chen Huan/Zhang Xiaqin from Fuding transplanted a tea tree to their homes. In 1875, Zhou Kaichen transplanted a tree in Huanggang, spreading white tea out of Fuding.

Fuding white tea got its name from the white hairs covering the buds. No panning or rolling is needed to make white tea. Therefore with moderate oxidation, it reserves rich active enzymes and polyphenols. In the preliminary process, the leaves are picked, withered, piled, dried and sorted. In the refine process, the raw tea is manually picked into sorted tea, then blended, baked and packaged. Depending on the temperature, either preliminary processing technique for normal climate or abnormal one will be used. Major types of Fuding white tea include Baihao Yinzhen (silver needle white tea), Baimudan (white peony) and so on.

The current national level inheritor of Fuding white tea craft is Mei Xiangjing.


