2022-04-26 13:24 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会





Q97.Who is the King as in the Bid Farewell to the King’ Ship ritual? What folk activities are there in the worship of him?

Answer: Among the many explanations of the King’s identity, the most prevalent one is that he is the god helping the Heavenly Emperor out in the secular world, as implicated by most of his temples’ names and his alia name. Bid Farewell to the King’ Ship is a custom of many coastal villages in Xiamen. The King worship is widely spread in coastal villages in Southern Fujian and Taiwan. Many Southern Fujian residents go to Huazang temple in Lǚcuo village of Xiamen to seek medical prescriptions from the King.

Bid Farewell to the King’ Ship is a ritual aiming at dispelling plagues and praying for happiness. Dates for the ritual are varied at different places. Most places hold the ritual every three or four years on a fixed lunar date decided by lot drawing. On the ritual, the King is invited to board on a premade ship loaded with articles for daily use. Then the ship is escorted to the seaside and burnt.


