2022-05-10 21:44 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




陈靖姑信俗肇始于宋而盛于明清,香火一直传承不断。福建省古田县临水宫和福州下渡临水夫人祖殿都供奉陈靖姑,定期举行祭祀和请香接火、请花祈福活动。陈靖姑信俗是目前福建省乃至江南地区颇具影响力的一种民间信仰活动,其影响达于台港澳地区,波及东南亚和世界各地华人社区。目前陈靖姑信俗信众达8000多万人,有 4000余座临水宫分庙。请香接火仪俗全年进行,而以农历正月陈靖姑诞辰的仪俗活动最为隆重,届时各地信众组成“夫人社”到古田临水宫庆祝圣诞,并从祖宫请香接火回乡;台湾信众到福州祖殿奉祀并举行文艺活动。在此过程中,各地不同流派的道教科仪、民间音乐、戏曲舞蹈、传统武术、民间曲艺等都进行演示。台湾有 400多座临水宫分庙,两岸同胞因人同祖、神同缘,在信俗活动中增进了情感交流和文化认同。 


Q99. Who is the Chen Jinggu being worshiped? What are the folk worship activities?

Answer: Chen Jinggu, born on the 15th of the first lunar month in 767 AD in Xiadu of Fuzhou, is believed to be the incarnation of a drop of Guanyin’ blood. Devoted to fighting evil spirits and monsters, relieving disasters and delivering babies, she sacrificed her life saving the ordinary people at 24, and was regarded as the guardian goddess of women and children. In the Song and Yuan dynasties, many people worshiped her, therefore the government deified her, further promoted Chen Jinggu’s worship.

Chen Jinggu’s worship starts from the Song Dynasty and prospers in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Linshuigong temple in Gutian and Linshuifuren Zudian temple in Fuzhou are influential Chen Jinggu temples because of their regular rituals and ceremonies. Those activities’ influence goes beyond Fujian and the Southern Changjiang river region to reach Taiwan, Hongkong and Macau or even the global Chinese communities. With over 80 million followers and 4000 Linshuigong branch temples, sacred fire gathering is performed all year around. Yet the most grandeur ritual is in lunar January on Chen Jinggu’s birthday. Followers go to the two prestigious Fujian temples to join the ceremonies. Such interactions also helped promote emotional and cultural understanding between residents in mainland China and in Taiwan, which has over 400 linshuigong branch temples.

The current national level inheritor of Chen Jinggu worship customs is Huang Guanghui.


