2021-11-03 10:23 来源:福建炎黄纵横 作者:福建省非遗中心、省炎黄文化研究会




高甲戏的音乐曲牌属南音系统,大都来自南音和木偶戏,但节奏、旋律有所变化。演员演唱时用本嗓,行腔雄浑高昂,也不乏清婉细腻的音韵。高甲戏使用的乐器分文乐和武乐两种,文乐以唢呐为主,辅以品箫、洞箫、二弦、三弦、琵琶等;武乐包括百鼓、大小鼓、大小锣、大小钹、响盏、小叫等,显示出浓厚的地方特色。高甲戏原只有生、旦、丑三个行当,后来陆续增加贴、外、末和北 ( )、杂等。在这些行当中,以丑行最为突出。丑行有男丑、女丑,各自又细分出十多种,创造了公子丑、破衫丑、傀儡丑等丰富多彩的表演类型,轻松幽默,妙趣横生,夸张而不失实,带有浓厚的生活气息。高甲戏的武打吸收了提线木偶和民间舞狮的技艺,形成“冷煎盘”“大碰场”“凤摆尾”等动作,别具特色。


Q74. What is the historical origin of Gaojiaxi and its artistic characteristics?

Answer: Gaojiaxi, also named as Yijiaxi, Jiujiaoxi, Daban and Tuban, is popular in Minnan dialect speaking areas of Fujian, Taiwan and Southeast Asian countries where Minnan dialect speaking Chinese live. Gaojiaxi originated from the folk performance of Songjiangzhen in Minnan area and it later developed into specialized opera troupe, hence got the name Songjiangxi. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Songjiangxi absorbed the performance forms in Liyuanxi, puppet show and other arts. In the late Qing Dynasty, it absorbed elements from Anhui opera, Yiyang Tune and Beijing Opera, eventually developed into a distinct local opera style endowed with both civil and martial virtues.

The tunes of Gaojiaxi belongs to Nanyin system, with most part coming from Nanyin and puppet shows, although there are changes in rhyme and melody. The musical instrument used in Gaojiaxi are separated into instrument for civil performance and martial performance respectively. The instrument for civil performance include Suona, pinxiao, dongxiao, er’xian, sanxian and pipa, while the instrument for martial performance include baigu drum, drum in different sizes, gongs in different sizes, cymbals in different sizes, xiangzhan and xiaojiao. At the beginning, there are only three roles in Gaojiaxi, namely Sheng, Dan and Chou, and then other roles including Tie, Wai, Mo, Bei (Jing) and Za were gradually added. Chou is the most attractive role in the performance, and it has dozens of subcategories. The performances of Chou are usually humorous, funny and exaggerated. The martial performance in Gaojiaxi has absorbed skills in puppet shows and folk lion dances, which makes the performance quite distinct.

 As of today, the national inheritors of Gaojiaxi include Ji Yafu, Chen Bingcong, Lai Zongmao (deceased), Zeng Wenjie, Yan Peiqiong(deceased), Lü Zhongwen, Su Yanyu(deceased), Lin Yingli, Wu Jingjing, Yao Daocheng, Ouyang Yanqing and Chen Juanjuan.



